Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Anatomy of a Snack

Whether it’s for you or your family, all snacks need the same basic components, or macronutrients protein, carbohydrate, and fat. I like to call it the “PCF Balance”. Each macronutrient has a special purpose and should be included at every meal and snack.
Protein is needed in the body for growth, tissue maintenance and repair, and immunity. Protein is responsible for keeping your muscles, hair, collagen, and skin healthy. Protein foods are dairy, meat, and legumes. Great protein snack foods are cheese, eggs, yogurt, milk, cottage cheese, jerky, deli meat, beans, and soy.
Carbohydrates provide fuel for the body and brain. For immediate energy, sugar is your best bet because it is digested quickly. For longer lasting energy try complex carbohydrates like whole grains. Carbohydrate foods are fruits, vegetables, and grains. Great carbohydrate snack foods are fresh fruits like berries and apples, fresh vegetables like celery and cucumbers, and grains like bread and crackers.
Fat stores energy, keeps you feeling satisfied between meals, protects your organs, and allows your body to absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K. These vitamins are essential for the health of eyes, bones, immunity, skin, nails, and hair. Fat has had a bad reputation in the past, but it is essential for health. Don’t be afraid of it. It makes your body function better and food taste better. Win-win! Healthy fats include nuts and nut butters, salad dressings, and oils. Great snack foods in this category are peanut butter, ranch dressing, and avocado, just to name a few.
By making sure that each snack and meal for your family includes these components, you’re ensuring nutrition with balance and purpose.
Choose a protein + carbohydrate + fat for balanced snacks. Here are some examples to get you started:
string cheese + apple + peanut butter
yogurt + berries + almonds
deli turkey + baby carrots + ranch dressing
bean dip + tortilla chips + guacamole
hard-boiled egg + wheat bread + mayonnaise
frozen yogurt + strawberries + dark chocolate chips
milk + banana + nutella
whole milk (This nutritious food includes a balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fats – great for when you’re short on time!)
Don’t forget to include water! Water is needed for every process in your body, and it should be a part of each meal and snack.
Good nutrition is essential, but don’t let yourself get caught up in the hype. Super foods, fad diets, and trends aren’t always everything they’re cracked up to be. Follow basic nutrition guidelines, and you and your family are sure to stay on the right track. Remember, all food has a purpose, enjoy everything in moderation, and eat what you love!
Katy Taylor, MS, RDN, LD, JLM Active

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