Scholarship Clearinghouse is a
program which assists college-bound students in finding and applying for
college scholarships. JLM maintains a comprehensive and easy to use database of
scholarships to assist students living in West Texas.
In keeping with this
year’s Junior League of Midland theme, “Education is the Key to the Future,” we
asked our Scholarship Clearinghouse Committee Chair, Meredith Dubose, along
with Scholarship Clearinghouse Mentor, Courtney
Beloin, to tell us about the “KEYS” to this placement.
K - What KIND of placement is this?
community placement is important because it extends our theme, “Education is
the Key to the Future,” into the secondary level. We are helping high school seniors navigate
through the scholarship application process.
They are faced with so many tough decisions during their senior
year. We are able to help lighten the
load for students (and parents, too) by helping them locate and apply for local and
national scholarships. – Meredith
We are filling a gap for
these students, as their parents and schools are not always equipped with
the information that we are able to provide. – Courtney Beloin
E - What is the most EXCITING part
of this placement, for you?
I’m excited to provide
students with help that could be the difference in whether or not they are able
to attend college. When I was applying to college, I was largely on my own
throughout the application and scholarship-finding process, and I am
glad to be able to provide some guidance to other students who may not
know where to begin. – Courtney Beloin
placement is just beginning—we have so MANY exciting moments to enjoy! However, the most exciting part right now is
finding ways to serve Midland’s students through partnering with MISD. We were fortunate enough to meet with MISD’s
Attorney, Leah Robertson, and the Director of Counselors, Ron Moss. We plan on a representative from our
committee attending the College Connection Meeting that will be attended by all
MISD high school counselors. Our hope is
to make a bigger impact in the community through this collaboration.
We are also
enjoying meeting our program participants through our season of
registration. Committee members attended
Midland Lee’s Rebel Muster and Midland High’s Dawg Days in August. We will be participating in the Midland
College Forum Night later in October. – Meredith Dubose
Y - How will/did YOU grow through
this placement?
I was fortunate enough to serve on this
committee last year, too. During my placement as a mentor, I gained a new appreciation for the support system that my family
provided during my own college application process. (Ten years ago. Wow. Time flies!)
I was fortunate enough to have a mom who helped, and took charge, of all
of it. Many of the students I mentored
were not as fortunate. Some were first
generation graduates. Some came from low
socio-economic families. I realized that
when we were helping the student find money to help further his/her education,
we were also helping the parents of our community. Parents that wanted a bright future for their
children, but needed a little guidance along the way. – Meredith Dubose
S - How does this SERVICE impact
the community?
Our goal is
to serve Midland through helping students and their families in our community
locate and apply for local and national scholarships. By doing so, we are truly carrying out this
year’s theme, “Education is the Key to the Future.” We are helping our young Midlanders open the
door to the next phase of education and at the same time contributing to a
bright future. – Meredith
This service helps our
community’s high school seniors by potentially making college affordable, and
furthers the League’s goal at the secondary and post-secondary levels. – Courtney Beloin
To learn more and access scholarship information, visit the Scholarship
Clearinghouse website.