Thursday, October 15, 2015

President's Blog

It is hard to believe summer is over and we are a quarter of the way thru the 2015-2016 year. My thanks to everyone for all their hard work this summer.

Meghan Paredes, Katie Fitch and the PR committee are working hard on increasing our social media presence. Please check out our Facebook page, as well as Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram.  Thanks to Michelle Dinger and Laura Nodolf for the wonderful base they prepared. We look forward to building on this foundation.

Rebecca Patterson, Candice Kendrick and their Volunteers in Midland committee have made available a number of volunteer opportunities. Remember all Active members must complete four VIM hours before April 1, 2016. Watch your email for information on availability of VIM opportunities.  Some of our members have already completed their hours. If you have any questions please contact either Rebecca or Candice.

Journey Summer Camp is our first Placement for the 2015-2016 year. Natalie Cargile and her committee worked hard to make this an inspiring and impactful week for the campers. Thanks to Elizabeth Hartman for doing extra duty by being a part of this week. Their camp was July 27-31, 2015. Check out Facebook and Twitter for shout outs to these ladies.      

Face the Race Co-Chairman, Crystal Burchfield and Heather Martin, and their committee are preparing for the sessions at Abell, Alamo, Goddard and San Jacinto Junior High Schools. The race will be at Grande Stadium on Saturday, November 7th. Get your running gear ready or come and cheer all the runners.

Kate Wolbert and Alicia Van Husen are working hard updating our website. Please let them know any of your web needs or if you need access to your profile page.

The Shotguns and Stilettos committee have met with PR, Elizabeth Hartman, and myself to discuss PR needs and plans for our fundraiser. They are so excited about their plans for this fundraiser!  Watch for the announcement of the Ladies’ Luncheon speaker and band reveal.  Their plans for the other events are exciting also.

Provisional class of 2015-2016, your experience and education this year with our League will help you understand how our League functions and learn what we accomplish in our community. I am excited to watch your personal growth and knowledge you will gain this year.

These are just a few of the committees working on their placements for the 2015-2016 year. You will have a chance in future articles to learn of all the wonderful plans they have developed and executed.

I am so proud of all of the ladies in our League. They are innovative, excited and dedicated to making our League better and to build a better Midland. They educate themselves and willingly educate others.

Journey with us as we fulfill the 2015-2016 theme “Education is the Key to the Future”. 

 - Leslie "Leaf" Faller
The Junior League of Midland, Inc.
President 2015-2016

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