The idea of the Second Tuesday Club began over four years
ago and is going strong. A group of
Sustainers headed by Vicki Donnell and Helen Shelton sent out letters to all
Sustainers and past league members who had reached Sustainer status but were no
longer a part of our League. These
letters invited the ladies to join The Second Tuesday Club for fun, food and
fellowship. The response to the
invitation was tremendous.
Acceptances began coming in and coming in and coming in. Approximately 75 former members reinstated into the League and joined the club. By the time the deadline to join was reached, 270 Sustainers accepted the invitation. The committee was overwhelmed by the response and excited to be

A Second Tuesday Club Yearbook is issued each year and given
to each member. The members submit
ideas for programs and sign up to be hostesses at the meetings. The Program Committee gathers the ideas,
researches the program suggestions and plans the calendar for the year. Some
of the meetings are at League Headquarters and others are at different off-site
venues, such as the Beal Ranch House and a Christmas Party come and go at a
member’s house.

Our League is so grateful to the Second Tuesday Club for
allowing us to share their success with PALS.
We look forward to joining this great group one day and participating as
Sustainers ourselves.
- Leslie "Leaf" Faller
The Junior League of Midland, Inc.
President 2015-2016
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